My 3rd Quarter Reflection

    This quarter, I have yet again learned a lot of new things. I have learned various things such as the writing of Community-based projects and the use of sitemaps. As I have learned about Community-based projects and had the chance to write one, I have learned and discovered a lot of things from my community. I have also learned about sitemaps and its use and importance.

    Though the whole quarter passed by smoothly, I have encountered only a few problems and minor inconveniences. Small problems such as unstable internet connection has abrupted my time studying. There were also a few moments wherein I had difficulty understanding a few of the concepts in the modules. However, I got past the minor problems without much trouble. I compromised during the inconveniences and finished the quarter without much problem.

    Moving forward, I will complete the next and last quarter with much effort. I will continue to strive and study hard in order to finish the quarter and school year with good grades. I will not let any problems or inconveniences hinder me from studying and completing the quarter. Overall, I will continue studying and learning the different concepts that will come from this subject.



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